Coating the walls with wooden panels, slats or mosaics themselves are an excellent solution for making even a space that originally seemed austere and inhospitable nice and cosy. Wood as a natural material simply has a pleasant effect on us and improves our feeling from the spaces we spend time in.

Mardegan wood panelling is suitable for wall-to-wall installation on walls, from floor to ceiling, and can also function as a highlight within certain areas.

4 basic patterns

Mardegan wood panelling for wall finishes can be as variable as floors of the same brand. There are 4 basic geometric patterns that can be further implemented named after world capitals. All you have to do is decide which one suits your interior the most, and we will help you with other optional parameters.


The imaginative alternation of embossed rectangles creates a distinctive pattern, which, thanks to its unmistakable design, is used more in minimalist interiors. Rectangles always have a suppressed or, on the contrary, highlighted centre, the rotation is regular.


A well-legible striped pattern based on the alternation of entire rows (like a brick wall) can be used in virtually any interior. Its simple symmetry can be supported by the choice of surface treatment or final colour of your choice.


One of the more complicated patterns of Mardegan wood panelling, in which the individual "bricks" not only have different dimensions, but also comprise alternating irregular and unpredictable raised elements.


Choice of colours and surfaces

These wooden panels on the wall are also available in various colours and finishes, and at the same time can be made of several types of materials (European or American walnut, oak).

We can also apply decorative elements to wooden wall tiles – either 3D (solid or empty, square or rectangular), or metal inserts, which make the all-wood surface of the panels a little more unique. 

What else is possible?

Neexistuje žádné omezení, které by zakazovalo použít podlahový materiál i na stěnu, a proto můžeme už tak dost širokou nabídku dřevěného obložení stěn ještě rozšířit o možnost aplikovat na stěnu to samé, co je na podlaze. My jsme tento přístup využili v našich kancelářích a zasedací místnosti, kde jsme podlahová prkna přetáhli až na stěnu. Přijďte se podívat k nám do showroomu a přesvědčit se o funkčnosti tohoto řešení na vlastní oči.

There is no restriction that would prohibit the use of floor material on the wall, and therefore we can expand the already wide range of wood panelling with the possibility of applying the same material as on the floor to the wall. We used this approach in our offices and meeting rooms, where we drew the floorboards on to the walls. Come and visit us in the showroom and see the functionality of this solution for yourself.
